PT Usaha Pintar Pratama atau dikenal dengan nama Pasarnow adalah perusahaan rintisan teknologi (start-up) yang bergerak di bidang e-groceries yaitu penjualan kebutuhan pokok dan kebutuhan dapur rumah tangga dengan sistem home delivery.
Produk grocery yang disediakan Pasarnow yaitu berbagai jenis sayur-sayuran, daging, buah-buahan, bumbu dapur, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Pasarnow saat ini juga menyediakan barang-barang kebutuhan rumah tangga (household products) seperti deterjen, obat anti-nyamuk, shampoo, pasta gigi, hingga makanan ringan. Semua produk Pasarnow dapat dibeli dengan sistem home delivery.
Saat ini Pasarnow telah beroperasi di Jabodetabek, Bandung, dan Surabaya. Di Surabaya sendiri, Pasarnow mengoperasikan gudang di Pergudangan Central, Pergudangan Margomulyo Permai Jl Pergudangan Margomulyo Permai No. A30, Kota Surabaya. Kenali Pasarnow lebih dalam di Instagram @pasarnow
Saat ini PT Usaha Pintar Pratama (Pasarnow) sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan pada bulan Desember 2022. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
Buyer Staff
- Bachelor’s degree from Agriculture, Industrial Engineering, or other related major
- Min. 1-2 years experience, fresh graduate with buyer internship experience are welcome to apply
- Have knowledge or experience in FMCG product, especially with grocery product
- Customer oriented
- Good negotiation and communication skill
- Able to work under pressure, working in a fast paced startup company
- Have the ability to work as a team as well as individually
Job description:
- Monitor FMCG stocks and items availability
- Find new FMCG/Grocery suppliers to collaborate with the company and maintaining the existing suppliers
- Negotiate terms of payment with suppliers
- Analyze sales and margin to improve company profit
- Administrative task such as data recap, making Purchase Order, and listing customer needs (B2B, B2C, Horeca)
- Work alongside other division to ensure the negotiation process can go smoothly
Drop your CV to [email protected] with subject (Name – Position)
and please fill the form below: