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Lowogan Kerja Kimberly-Clark Softex Indonesia Februari 2025

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Kimberly-Clark Corporation atau di Indonesia memiliki nama resmi PT Kimberly Clark Indonesia adalah perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat yang memproduksi barang-barang perawatan pribadi, tepatnya kertas sanitasi serta kertas instrumen medis dan bedah. Merk yang terkenal secara global dari Kimberly-Clark adalah Kleenex (tisu wajah), produk kebersihan kewanitaan (Kotex), tissue, wipes, dan toilet paper (Cottonelle, Andrex), utility tissue (Wypall), tissue pembersih ilmiah untuk laboratorium, medis, rumah sakit (KimWipes), dan tissue bayi atau popok sekali pakai (Huggies). Masih banyak merk lainnya yang dimiliki oleh Kimberly-Clark yang tersebar di beberapa negara.

Kimberly-Clark secara rutin masuk dalam jajaran Fortune 500 (daftar perusahaan terbaik di dunia). Di tahun 2020, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, melalui PT Kimberly-Clark Indonesia mengakuisisi Softex Indonesia, perusahaan yang memimpin pasar perawatan pribadi kewanitaan di Indonesia dengan nilai transaksi US$1,2 milliar atau Rp17,7 triliun.

Saat ini Kimberly-Clark Softex Indonesia sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk fresh graduate pada bulan Februari 2022. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Leadership Exploration Program (LEAP) Batch 3

Kimberly-Clark Softex recruites exceptional graduates for Softex LEAP Graduate Program in a variety of business areas. As a Softex LEAP, you will be participate in a comprehensive program aimed at developing high-performing talents with adaptive skills and a growth mindset in order to become K-C Softex Future Leaders.

Throughout the program, you will be allocated to an experienced seasoned mentor who will help you accelerate your growth by providing you with direction business skills. Working in many functional areas will allow you to obtain cross-functional expertise and business insight, laying a solid basis for future success. During the program you will receive both on-the-job and external training. Depending on your performance and company needs, you will be considered by one of the functional areas after the program.

  • Fresh graduate or has one year experience is allowed
  • Major relevant to Accounting, Finance, Business Management, International Relations, Engineering
  • Min. GPA 3,00 (Bachelor degree or Master degree)
  • Min. TOEFL score 525 or IELTS score 6
  • Keen sense of business acumen, excellent in critical thinking, analytical skills
  • Willing to be placed in Tangerang, Karawang, & Sidoarjo

Get ready to explore your potential through this link:

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