PT Paragon Technology and Innovation atau biasa dikenal sebagai Paragon adalah perusahaan FMCG yang memproduksi kosmetik. Merk yang paling dikenal dari perusahaan ini adalah Wardah, yang juga merupakan merk kosmetik halal pertama di Indonesia. Berdiri sejak tahun 1985 dengan nama PT Pusaka Tradisi Ibu, perusahaan awalnya memproduksi kosmetik dengan merk Putri. Wardah sendiri baru diperkenalkan pada tahun 1995 dan mendapatkan sertifikat halal LPPOM MUI pada tahun 1999.
Sebagai perusahaan FMCG, Paragon menjaga serta senantiasa meningkatkan kualitas produksinya melalui sertifikasi GMP (Good Manufacturing Product) dan CPKB (Cara Pembuatan Kosmetik yang Baik) dari BPOM RI pada tahun 2006. Di tahun 2010, Paragon meluncurkan merk kosmetik lainnya dengan segmentasi kosmetik premium yaitu Make Over. Baru pada tahun 2011, perusahaan resmi berganti nama menjadi PT Paragon Technology and Innovation.
Di tahun 2015, Paragon merilis produk kosmetik dengan segmentasi kosmetik remaja yaitu Emina. Kosmetik ini dikenal akan kemudahan penggunaannya. Emina cocok bagi para remaja yang baru belajar menggunakan kosmetik. Di tahun 2020, Paragon kembali merilis produk kosmetik dengan segmentasi pria yaitu Kahf. Kahf adalah kosmetik halal khusus pria yang sudah melalui dermatological test kulit wajah pria Indonesia sehingga aman dan cocok digunakan untuk pria Indonesia.
Hingga sekarang Paragon mengoperasikan 2 pabrik yang terletak di Kawasan Industri Jatake (Banten) dan Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (Surabaya).
Saat ini PT Paragon Technology and Innovation sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan khusus fresh graduate pada bulan Maret 2022. Berikut ini adalah daftar posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
Job Fair Paragon 2022
At this event you will get Virtual Tour Exhibition (you can ask anything to our team at Virtual Tour Exhibition), Sharing Session with Paragonian about MT and PLDP, Career Opportunities in Paragon Corporation.
Management Trainee
General Requirements:
- Bachelor’s Degree (S1)
- Final year, fresh graduate, or having 1-2 years of work experience are welcome to apply
- MT Supply Chain Management
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1)
- Majoring in all Engineering, preferably in Chemical, Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, Environmental, Material, and Chemistry Science
- MT Research and Development
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1)
- Majoring in Pharmacy and Chemical Engineering
- MT Product Innovation and Development
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1)
- Preferably majoring in Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering
- Having a passion in beauty or cosmetics
- Fluent in English, ablity to communicate in Mandarin is an advantage
- MT Parama
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1)
- All major are welcome to apply
- Have good negotiation skills
- Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
- MT Packaging Innovation
- Having strong interest in product packaging design
- Experienced hire with 1-2 years
- Preferably Engineering graduate
- Project leader experience
- Fast learner and eager to learn
- Good communication skill
- Able to communicate in English both in written and oral
- MT Marketing
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1) all major
- MT Information and Technology
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1)
- Majoring in Information Technology, Information System, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Non-IT background are welcomed but must have programming background (Phyton)
- Software Engineer for either one of:
- Mobile Application Developer: Andorid, Native Java, or Flutter
- Backend Developer: familiar with PHP/Phyton based framework, RBAC, API Development & Management, and RDBMS
- Frontend Developer: familiar with HTML, CS, JS, JS Libraries (e.g jQuery) or CSS & JS Frameork (e.g Bootstrap) version control (GIT)
- Experience in JS Framework such as React JS/Vue JS & PWA would be an advantage
- Experience working on real projects related to the skill would be an advantage
- Having 1,5-2 years experience
- Having in PMO concept or had working experience in PMO environment
- MT Human Resources and Corporate Affairs
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1) all major
- MT Finance, Accounting, and Tax
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1)
- Majoring in Accounting, Economic, Management, Industrial Engineering, or Chemistry Engineering
- MT Commercial
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1) all major
- Strong numerical and analytical skill
- Passionate in Key Account Management/Sales
- Ability to build solid relationships and collaboration both internally and externally (with partners)
- Familiar with Ms. Office and Google Suites
- Proactive and problem solving oriented
- Someone who likes to update about cosmetics industry
- MT Business Innovation and Development
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1) all major
PLDP (Paragon Leader Development Program)
General Requirements:
- Diploma’s Degree (D3)
- Final year, fresh graduate, or having 1-2 years of work experience are welcome to apply
- PLDP Supply Chain Management
- Minimum Diploma’s Degree (D3)
- Majoring in all Engineering, preferably majoring in Chemical, Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, Environmental, Mechatronic, Material, and Chemistry Science
- PLDP Parama
- Minimum Diploma’s Degree (D3) in all major
- Have good negotiation skills
- Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
- PLDP Packaging Innovation
- Having strong interest in product packaging design
- Experienced hire with 1-2 years
- Preferably Engineering graduate
- Project leader experience
- Fast learner and eager to learn
- Good communication skill
- Able to communicate in English both in written and oral
- PLDP Information Technology
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (S1) majoring in Information Technology/System or from other Engineering background
- Non-IT background are welcomed but must have programming and database experience (esp. Phyton & PostgreSQL) and have desire to work in an Information System environment
- Have an experience in ERP system (esp. ODOO) will be preferred
- Proven analytical skills and systematic problem solving
- Good time management, discipline, with a problem solving attitude
- PLDP Finance, Accounting, and Tax
- Minimum Diploma’s Degree (D3)
- Majoring in Accounting, Economic, Management
- PLDP Commercial
- Minimum Diploma’s Degree (D3)
- Discipline and likes field activities
- Have leadership skill
- Have business acumen skill
- People oriented
- Willing to work out of town or province