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Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk

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PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk atau biasa disebut Unilever merupakan anak perusahaan dari Unilever PLC, perusahaan multinasional asal Inggris yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).

Unilever Indonesia berdiri sejak tahun 1933 dengan pabrik pertamanya di Muara Angke, Jakarta Utara. Saat ini Unilever memiliki 9 pabrik yang terletak di Jababeka-Cikarang dan Rungkut-Surabaya. Pada tahun 1982, Unilever Indonesia resmi berstatus Tbk setelah melakukan initial public offering (IPO) di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Unilever Indonesia mengelola lebih dari 40 brands pada 2 segmen utamanya; Home & Personal Care dan Food & Refreshment.

Unilever Indonesia saat ini merupakan The Most Ideal Employer di Indonesia menurut survey yang dilakukan Universum. Dalam survey tersebut, Unilever Indonesia menduduki peringkat 1 sebagai perusahaan yang paling menarik sebagai perusahaan tempat bekerja bagi para fresh graduate di Indonesia.

Saat ini PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk fresh graduate pada bulan Mei 2023. Berikut ini adalah daftar posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Unilever Future Leaders Programme (UFLP) 2023

In Unilever, we believe that companies with purpose last, brands with purpose grow, and people with purpose thrive. The Unilever Future Leaders Programme (UFLP) is about having a big impact on the business, right from the start. It’s about growing market-leading brands from day one. It’s about getting to know the business fast. We are looking to make future leaders of you by focusing on your whole development, personally and professionally. We will concentrate on three key areas: learning by experience, learning through people and formal learning. We will push you to achieve your potential and make a big business impact where you will learn from some of the best in the business.

By the end of the program, you are expected to be a manager ready with a strong leadership impact!

UFLP Go to Market 2023

UFLP Go to Market is 30 months traineeship program designed to prepare future Unilever leaders through challenging projects and roles to become business leaders. During UFLP will prepare you with rotations across divisions in Marketing and Sales. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a manager ready with a strong leadership impact.

  • 2023 Graduates (or will be graduated before Oct 2023) from engineering majors.
  • Professional with maximum 2 years working experiences
  • Min. Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.30.
  • Have strong leadership capability, active in organization.

UFLP Supply Chain 2023

UFLP Supply Chain is 30 months traineeship program designed to prepare future Unilever leaders through challenging projects and roles to become business leaders. During UFLP gives you opportunities to see the whole business and experience different roles within Supply Chain and Customer Operations field. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a manager ready with a strong leadership impact.

  • 2023 Graduates (or will be graduated before Oct 2023) from engineering majors.
  • Professional with maximum 2 years working experiences
  • Min. Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.30.
  • Have strong leadership capability, active in organization.

UFLP Finance 2023

UFLP FInance is 30 months traineeship program designed to prepare future Unilever leaders through challenging projects and roles to become business leaders. During UFLP gives you opportunities to see the whole business and experience different roles within finance field. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a manager ready with a strong leadership impact.

  • 2023 Graduates (or will be graduated before Oct 2023) from Finance, Accounting, Digital Finance, Financial Technology Majors.
  • Professional with maximum 2 years working experiences
  • Min. Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.30.
  • Have strong leadership capability, active in organization.

UFLP Human Resources 2023

UFLP Human Resources is 30 months traineeship program designed to prepare future Unilever leaders through challenging projects and roles to become business leaders. During UFLP gives you opportunities to see the whole business and experience different roles within human resources field. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a manager ready with a strong leadership impact.

  • 2023 Graduates (or will be graduated before Oct 2023) from all majors.
  • Professional with maximum 2 years working experiences
  • Min. Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.30.
  • Have strong leadership capability, active in organization.

Due Date Application: 1st May 2023 – 28th May 2023

Selection Process: Jun – Aug 2023

Joining Date: 2nd October 2023

Tips & Note dari Mimin: Sangat disarankan untuk mengenal secara menyeluruh tentang profil dan bisnis perusahaan melalui informasi yang ada di internet, rek. Kalian juga bisa menonton video sekilas tentang program rekrutmen perusahaan yang sudah mimin sematkan di atas.