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PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (JIIPE)

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JIIPE adalah kawasan industri dan residensial terintegrasi pertama di Indonesia dengan total area 3.000 hektar yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Manyar, Kabupaten Gresik. JIIPE terdiri dari kawasan industri, pelabuhan umum multifungsi, dan hunian berkonsep kota mandiri. JIIPE menjadi kawasan percontohan bagi pengembangan industri terintegrasi di Indonesia.

JIIPE dikembangkan oleh PT Pelindo III (Persero) melalui anak perusahaannya PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia atau biasa disebut BJTI Port, bekerja sama dengan PT Aneka Kimia Raya Corporindo Tbk atau dikenal sebagai AKR Corp melalui anak perusahaannya PT Usaha Era Pratama Nusantara.

Kawasan industri JIIPE sendiri memiliki luas 1761 Ha. Beberapa perusahaan yang saat ini sudah beroperasi di kawasan industri JIIPE antara lain PT Unichem Candi Indonesia (garam), PT Fertilizer Inti Technology (pupuk), PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk (roti), PT Pangansari Utama (food service & distribution), dan lain-lain. Di JIIPE juga sedang dibangun smelter (pabrik pemurnian mineral hasil tambang) milik PT Freeport Indonesia.

Saat ini PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk penempatan Gresik Manyar pada bulan Oktober 2023. Berikut ini adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Lowongan Kerja PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (JIIPE)



  • Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in Psychology with minimum GPA 3.00 from reputable University.
  • At least 5 years experience as Recruiter.
  • Fluent in written and oral communication skills in English.
  • Independent, strong analytical thinking, good communication and good interpersonal skill.
  • Willing to be placed at GRESIK, EAST JAVA.

Job Descriptions:

  1. Ensure effective talent acquisition starting from sourcing, screening, interviewing and hiring.
    • Identify effective recruitment channels to source the right candidates.
    • Ensure execution of recruitment process in compliance with standards and SOP.
    • Coordinate with People Development Section regarding internal sourcing to fulfill vacant position.
    • Assist in employee referral programs.
    • Coordinate between applicants and users to set up interview schedule.
  2. Liaise with external vendor as part of the recruitment process.
    • Medical Checkups, Job Exhibition, Campus Hiring etc.
  3. Develop and maintain network of contacts for strategic and executive hires.
    • Build relation and network to source out candidates.
    • Work with external headhunters to obtain right candidates, if needed.
  4. Manage and maintain all applicant data as part of company sourcing pool
  5. Perform any other assignment given by superior.

*only shortlisted candidates who meet the requirement will be contacted
*BKMS-JIIPE does not collect any fees from applicatns in the recruitment process

Dapatkan juga update lowongan kerja terbaru di Telegram Gresik Karir.