PT Freeport Indonesia

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PT Freeport Indonesia atau biasa disingkat sebagai PTFI merupakan perusahaan tambang mineral afiliasi dari Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) dan Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID). Sejak akhir tahun 2018, PTFI merupakan bagian dari Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID) melalui PT Inalum (Persero) setelah diakuisisi sahamnya sebesar 51%, sehingga dinyatakan pula sebagai bagian dari BUMN. MIND ID sendiri merupakan Holding Industri Pertambangan Indonesia, dengan PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (Inalum), PT ANTAM Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Timah Tbk, dan PT Freeport Indonesia sebagai anggota holding. 

PTFI menambang dan memproses bijih menghasilkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak. PTFI memasarkan konsentrat ke seluruh penjuru dunia dan terutama ke smelter tembaga dalam negeri, PT Smelting.

Tambang di kawasan mineral Grasberg, Papua – Indonesia merupakan salah satu deposit tembaga dan emas terbesar di dunia. PTFI saat ini menambang pada fase akhir tambang terbuka Grasberg. Selain itu, PTFI tengah mengerjakan beberapa proyek pada kawasan mineral Grasberg sehubungan dengan pengembangan beberapa tambang bawah tanah berkadar tinggi yang berskala besar dan berumur panjang. Secara total, semua tambang bawah tanah ini diharapkan menghasilkan tembaga dan emas skala besar sehubungan dengan peralihan dari tambang terbuka Grasberg.

Saat ini PT Freeport Indonesia atau PT Manyar Maju Refinery sedang membuka program rekrutmen untuk kebutuhan persiapan operasional smelter Manyar. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia (PT Manyar Maju Refinery)

Smelter Operation Readiness – Supervisor, Customs Document (PPKEK/PJKEK)

*PPKEK: Pemberitahuan Pabean Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus
*PJKEK: Pemberitahuan Jasa Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus

The purpose of this position is:

Manage and ensure that all goods and services transactions related to  Smelter / Refinary projects and operations can take advantage of tax facilities in the form of Value Added Tax (VAT) is not collected by preparing customs documents (PPKEK / PJKEK) needed in transactions with vendors.

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

  • Minimum education at the Bachelor (S1) level with areas in the fields of Taxation, Law, Fiscal Administration, General Administration, Management and Accounting.
  • Minimum 5 (five) years experience in terms of understanding business contracts/purchase orders/service orders and provisions regarding the issuance of Tax Invoices to multinational companies or big 4 consulting firms.
  • Fiscal Admnistration, Legal and Tax skill and knowledge with interpersonal skill of communication and management with the English as important requirement.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position are:

  1. Plan and design procedures for utilizing VAT Facilities Not Collected by using/issuing Customs documents
  2. Coordinate with Contract Services/Legal, Procurement, Project Control, Accounting to obtain a list of Project Smelter vendors (as well as at the Operation stage) complete with information related to the type of service or goods purchased, the amount of contract value or procurement, the procurement period and other information needed in filling out the Customs documents in question.
  3. Cooperate with Procurement, Export-Import and IT Inventory to develop information related to the Goods Code to be used in Customs documents.
  4. Develop a strategy to coordinate and communicate with vendors in terms of informing the need for the use of Customs documents and obtaining them for transactions with the Company.
  5. Coordinate and establish communication with LNSW and Customs to ensure that the use of the INSW application to reproduce Customs documents can run as needed.
  6. Coordinate with the vendor tax department and the Company in terms of issuing Tax Invoices which must refer to the terms of use of Customs documents.
  7. Administering the issuance and use of Customs documents and controlling the issuance of invoices must not exceed the ceiling value agreed in Customs documents.
  8. Make a Report on the Realization of Customs Document Issuance and the Number of Outstanding VAT Facility Utilization Not Collected on a periodic basis (monthly).

Deadline: October 13th 2023