PT Freeport Indonesia

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PT Freeport Indonesia atau biasa disingkat sebagai PTFI merupakan perusahaan tambang mineral afiliasi dari Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) dan Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID). Sejak akhir tahun 2018, PTFI merupakan bagian dari Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID) melalui PT Inalum (Persero) setelah diakuisisi sahamnya sebesar 51%, sehingga dinyatakan pula sebagai bagian dari BUMN. MIND ID sendiri merupakan Holding Industri Pertambangan Indonesia, dengan PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (Inalum), PT ANTAM Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Timah Tbk, dan PT Freeport Indonesia sebagai anggota holding. 

PTFI menambang dan memproses bijih menghasilkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak. PTFI memasarkan konsentrat ke seluruh penjuru dunia dan terutama ke smelter tembaga dalam negeri, PT Smelting.

Tambang di kawasan mineral Grasberg, Papua – Indonesia merupakan salah satu deposit tembaga dan emas terbesar di dunia. PTFI saat ini menambang pada fase akhir tambang terbuka Grasberg. Selain itu, PTFI tengah mengerjakan beberapa proyek pada kawasan mineral Grasberg sehubungan dengan pengembangan beberapa tambang bawah tanah berkadar tinggi yang berskala besar dan berumur panjang. Secara total, semua tambang bawah tanah ini diharapkan menghasilkan tembaga dan emas skala besar sehubungan dengan peralihan dari tambang terbuka Grasberg.

Saat ini PT Freeport Indonesia atau PT Manyar Maju Refinery sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk operasional smelter Manyar. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia (PT Manyar Maju Refinery)

Smelter Operation Readiness – Accountant, PNBP & Local Taxes

Administer royalty calculation and local taxes regulation implementation within the Company in compliance with Tax Laws timely, accurately, effectively and efficiently.

Background, Education, and Experience needed:

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Economic, Accounting or Fiscal Administration with at least 2 years experience as tax specialist in multinational Company or in Tax Consultant Firm.

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:

  1. Team work skill
  2. Knowledge in tax regulations and its implementation on the company
  3. Thorough, critical and tactful
  4. Thorough attention to detail
  5. Having ability to get the updated information and regulation from Ministry of Mining and Energy Resources (ESDM)
  6. Having computer ability in database programming, spreadsheet, word processing, presentation, and standard PTFI reporting tools
  7. Good interpersonal and communication skill
  8. Customer service orientation
  9. Understand company’s accounting system
  10. Other PTFI mandatory competencies

Deadline: April 25th 2024

Tips: Sangat disarankan menggunakan laptop/PC untuk mengakses website karir PT Freeport Indonesia

Smelter Operation Readiness – Accountant, WHT/VAT

Administer tax regulation implementation within the Company in order to ensure proper tax collection, recordation, reporting and payments in compliance with Tax Laws article 4 (2), 15, 21, 23, 26 and VAT timely, accurately, effectively and efficiently.

Background, Education, and Experience needed:

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Economic, Accounting or Fiscal Administration with at least 2 years experience as tax specialist in multinational Company or in Tax Consultant Firm.

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:

  1. Team work skill
  2. Knowledge in tax regulations and its implementation on the company
  3. Thorough, critical and tactful
  4. Thorough attention to detail
  5. Having computer ability in database programming, spreadsheet, word processing, presentation, and standard PTFI reporting tools
  6. Good interpersonal and communication skill
  7. Customer service orientation
  8. Understand company’s accounting system
  9. Other PTFI mandatory competencies

Deadline: April 25th 2024

Tips: Sangat disarankan menggunakan laptop/PC untuk mengakses website karir PT Freeport Indonesia

Smelter Operation Readiness – Freight and Transport Scheduling Supervisor

  1. Freight & Transport supervisor will be executing and supporting day to day operation both in smelter and precious metal to make sure distribution are executed based on plan.
  2. This position will oversee the day to day operation and coordination with 3PL and FF
  3. In addition, raising to outbound planning superintendent if any dispute of capacity planning vs actual or any overseen potential backlog/ bottleneck in the distribution pipeline.
  4. Freight & Transport Superintendent will also be responsible for the custom process both export and import from KEK to customers. Including managing and engagement to custom brokers to secure FCX PBC compliance

Background, Education, and Experience needed:

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, Management, Logistic/Supply chain. Master degree preferred.
  • 5-7 years of experience as planning & controlling/ logistic/ transport supervisor with least 2-3 years in a leadership role.
  • Supply chain/Six Sigma/Logistic certification will be an advantage.
  • Familiar with SAP and Power BI.
  • Ownership of Ahli Kepabeanan certificate will be advantage.
  • Knowlegde in vendor management, TMS, WMS, and logistic automation.
  • Experience in handling commodity export shipment.
  • Experience in handling customs process import & export in bonded zone or Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus.
  • Ready to work in shift (including weekend).

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:

  1. Experience in handling export shipment, bulk vessel, tanker both for inter island and export.
  2. Experience in handling export from KEK/ bonded zone.
  3. Proven in engagement to 3PL (bulk, barge, containerized, and loading operation).
  4. Proven have capability to lead and manage 3PL (trucking, bulk, barge, containerized, container yard, custom brokers, and warehouse operation provider).
  5. Excellent in analysis and structured framework of thinking.
  6. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and resolve complex logistic issues.
  7. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and prioritize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
  8. Proficiency in spoken and written English, technical and conversational.
  9. Ability to work independently and in a team environment.
  10. Knowledge of commodity distribution and its transport mode.
  11. Ability to think outside the box to provide solution or proposed solution for the unforseen issues.

Deadline: May 4th 2024

Tips: Sangat disarankan menggunakan laptop/PC untuk mengakses website karir PT Freeport Indonesia

Smelter Operation Readiness – Superintendent Precious Metal Freight & Transport

  1. Freight & Transport Superintendent will be responsible for leading 3PL engagement and day to day operation within outbound logistic function. The position will have the ownership of the relation and day to day communication including KPI monitor of all 3PL.
  2. This position will oversee the day to day operation performance in outbound logistic including 3PL engagement, 3PL performance and making sure lead time precision from plant handover to final shipment to customers destination.
  3. In addition, raising to outbound planning superintendent if any dispute of capacity planning vs actual or any overseen potential backlog/ bottleneck in the distribution pipeline.
  4. Freight & Transport Superintendent will also be responsible for the custom process both export and import from KEK to customers. Including managing and engagement to custom brokers to secure FCX PBC compliance.
  5. This leadership position plays a critical role in ensuring that finish products and by products from both PTFI Smelter and MMR will be loaded and headed to customers location on time and based on agreed SLA in sales contract.

Background, Education, and Experience needed:

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, Management, Logistic/Supply chain. Master degree preferred.
  • 7-10 years of experience as planning & controlling/logistic/transport supervisor with least 5 years in a leadership role.
  • Supply chain/Six Sigma/Logistic certification will be an advantage.
  • Familiar with SAP and Power BI.
  • Ownership of Ahli Kepabeanan certificate will be advantage.
  • Knowlegde in vendor management, TMS, WMS, and logistic automation.
  • Experience in handling commodity export shipment.
  • Experience in handling customs process import & export in bonded zone or Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus.
  • Ready to work in shift (including weekend).

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:

  1. Proven experience in handling commodity shipment, fleet management, bulk vessel, tanker both for inter island and export
  2. Proven experience in handling export and import by understanding of custom regulation and processes (owning ahli kepabeanan certificate)
  3. Proven in engagement to 3PL (bulk, barge, containerized, and warehouse operation)
  4. Proven have capability to lead and manage 3PL (trucking, bulk, barge, containerized, container yard, custom brokers, and warehouse operation provider)
  5. Excellent in analysis and structured framework of thinking.
  6. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and resolve complex logistic issues.
  7. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and prioritize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
  8. Proficiency in spoken and written English, technical and conversational.
  9. Ability to work independently and in a team environment.
  10. Knowledge of commodity distribution and its transport mode.
  11. Ability to think outside the box to provide solution or proposed solution for the unforseen issues.

Deadline: May 4th 2024

Tips: Sangat disarankan menggunakan laptop/PC untuk mengakses website karir PT Freeport Indonesia

Smelter Operation Readiness – Freight & Transport Officer

  1. Freight & Transport Officer will be responsible for day to day 3PL and freight forwarder engagement and operation within outbound logistic function. The position will have the ownership of the relation and day to day communication including KPI monitor of all 3PL and freight forwarder.
  2. This position will oversee the day to day operation performance in outbound logistic including 3PL engagement, 3PL performance and making sure lead time precision from plant handover to final shipment to customers destination.
  3. Freight & Transport officer will also be responsible for the day to day custom process both export from KEK to customers. Including managing and engagement to custom brokers to secure FCX PBC compliance.
  4. This position plays a critical role in ensuring that finish products and by products from both PTFI Smelter and MMR will be loaded and headed to customers location on time and based on agreed SLA in sales contract.

Background, Education, and Experience needed:

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, Management, Logistic/Supply chain. Master degree preferred.
  • 3-4 years of experience as planning & controlling/logistic/transport.
  • Supply chain/Six Sigma/Logistic certification will be an advantage.
  • Familiar with SAP system.
  • Ownership of Ahli Kepabeanan certificate.
  • Knowlegde in vendor management, TMS, WMS, and logistic automation.
  • Experience in handling export shipment, fleet management, bulk vessel, tanker, containerized for inter islands and overseas.
  • Experience in handling customs process import & export in bonded zone or Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus.
  • Ready to work in shift (including weekend).

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:

  1. Proven experience in handling commodity shipment, fleet management, bulk vessel, tanker both for inter island and export
  2. Proven experience in handling export and import by understanding of custom regulation and processes (owning ahli kepabeanan certificate)
  3. Proven in engagement to 3PL (bulk, barge, containerized, and warehouse operation)
  4. Proven have capability to lead and manage 3PL (trucking, bulk, barge, containerized, container yard, custom brokers, and warehouse operation provider)
  5. Excellent in analysis and structured framework of thinking.
  6. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and resolve complex logistic issues.
  7. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and prioritize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
  8. Proficiency in spoken and written English, technical and conversational.
  9. Ability to work independently and in a team environment.
  10. Knowledge of commodity distribution and its transport mode.
  11. Ability to think outside the box to provide solution or proposed solution for the unforseen issues.

Deadline: May 4th 2024

Tips: Sangat disarankan menggunakan laptop/PC untuk mengakses website karir PT Freeport Indonesia