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PT Lion Wings

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PT Lion Wings adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods). Lion Wings menjalankan kegiatan usahanya dengan bersinergi dengan dua konglomerasi, yakni Lion Corporation dari Jepang dan Wings Group dari Indonesia. Perusahaan ini sudah ada di Indonesia sejak tahun 1981.

Lion Wings telah memproduksi dan memasarkan produk-produk pada berbagai macam segmen pasar dengan brand-brand ternama. Produk pertama dari Lion Wings dan yang masih cukup dikenal hingga saat ini adalah Emeron shampoo. Beberapa produk ternama lainnya yaitu sabun pencuci alat dapur Mama Lemon, Zinc shampoo, Kodomo shampoo, pasta gigi Ciptadent, parfum tubuh Posh, deodoran Posh, dan masih banyak lainnya.

Lion Wings mengoperasikan pabrik di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Pabrik pertamanya berada di Jakarta Timur.

Saat ini PT Lion Wings sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan pada bulan Februari 2024. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Lowongan Kerja PT Lion Wings

Mixing Production Staff

Responsible for controlling the mixing process in production and setting the raw material for the production process to semi-finish ready for filling with the provisions targeted by the Company.

Job Description:

  • Responsible for the implementation of the production mixing process, starting from raw materials to half-finished products and minimizing the occurrence of waste and failure of the mixing process
  • Delegate appropriately to the existing production team, regarding all the production mix work plans that have been made
  • Review and validate the work of employees regarding the production of reports, which include reports on attendance, use of materials, and the results of mixing.
  • Analyze every problem (problem) and try to find the root of the problem and its solution, either individually or in coordination with other related parties
  • Coordinating with other divisions (Quality Control / Maintenance / Engineering / Robotic / PPIC) related to the production mixing process
  • Continuous improvement for production work systems and methods to make them more effective and efficient
  • Ensure that Company Regulations, 5R, K3, and SOP can run well
  • Increase the Skill and Knowladge of the employees under it
  • Organizing the implementation or implementation of ISO 9001: 2018, ISO 14001: 2018 & HAS 23000 procedures in the Production Division to comply with SOPs and Work Instructions and quality objectives
  • Perform all tasks related to Production activities


  • Minimal Diploma Degree (D3) – Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00
  • Fresh graduate or maximum 2 years Working Experience as FMCG Mixing Production Staff
  • Have a passion to work in the Production Field
  • Familiar with Excel, Power Point, and SAP
  • Creative, Conscientious, Honest, Disciplined, and Responsible
  • Resilient person with Integrity, Good mannered, Polite, Positive Thinking, Dynamic (Active, Persuasive, Confident & Independent), Innovate, Love a Challenge and Learn New Things, and Healthy in Physical and Spiritual
  • Willing to Work Shift (3-Shifts), Work Under-Pressure, Work Overtime, Handling complex work, Able to work hard, and Able to Working individually and team
  • Preferably job applicants with domicile in Gresik, East Java and surrounding areas (East Java Area)

*) 3-Shifts, Monday to Saturday:

  • Monday to Friday (Break 1 Hour) :
  • Shift 1: 06:00 – 14:00
  • Shift 2: 14:00 – 22:00
  • Shift 3: 22:00 – 06:00
  • Saturday (Without a Break) :
  • Shift 1: 06:00 – 11:00
  • Shift 2: 11:00 – 16:00
  • Shift 3: 16:00 – 21:00

• Work Placement in Gresik, East Surabaya

Only short listed candidates will be notified