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PT SMART Tbk adalah perusahaan FMCG yang memproduksi minyak goreng merk FILMA dan Kunci Mas. Berdiri sejak tahun 1962 yang pada saat itu masih bernama PT Maskapai Perkebunan Sumcama Padang Halaban, PT SMART Tbk merupakan anak perusahaan Golden Agri-Resoures (GAR), yang beroperasi di bawah merek Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food.

PT SMART Tbk memiliki dan mengelola perkebunan kelapa sawit sendiri. Dengan pengelolaan mandiri dan berkelanjutan, PT SMART Tbk mampu menghasilkan produk minyak goreng berkualitas tinggi, bahkan untuk pasar luar negeri.

Selain memproduksi minyak goreng, PT SMART Tbk juga memproduksi bahan bakar nabati (biofuel), oleochemicals, margarin, shortening, dan lain-lain.

Saat ini PT SMART Tbk sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan pada bulan Februari 2024. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Lowongan Kerja PT SMART Tbk

Filling Officer

Job Description Summary:

Coordinate, and supervise the implementation of Filling Plant production process to fulfill Master Production Schedule from PPIC

Job Description:

  • Control condition, repair, maintenance, problem solving, and improvement of facilities and infrastructure to support efficiency and effectiveness of product filling process
  • Assist controll of assets and production cost
  • Assist control, Planning, data analysis, and development manpower
  • Handle customer complain and Safety Regulation in accordance with applicable policy (5R1S / EHFS).
  • Control condition, repair, maintenance, problem solving, and improvement of facilities and infrastructure to support efficiency and effectiveness of product filling process
  • Control and collect data on the implementation of SAP, WMS, and Quality Management System
  • Maintenance and improvement implementation of SAP system, WMS, and Quality Management
  • Report to Sect. Head of results and data control, improvement, and effectiveness of filling production process support
  • Implementing the implementation of quality management system (ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 22000: 2005, Halal, SMK3, ISCC system, RSPO, SMART D Safe, OHSAS 18001, HACCP).
  • Maintain and maintain the safety (safety) and cleanliness in the area of ​​work, and tidiness of documents that are the responsibility
  • Review, evaluate and submit daily, weekly and monthly reports to the section head
  • Recommend improvements (if any) related to reports from foreman.

Job Requirement:

  • Minimum a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Food Technology or related to the position
  • Minimum 1 year experience, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  • Willing to work in three shifts
  • Willing to be located in Surabaya Refinery

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