Yayasan Bakti United Tractors

PT United Tractors Tbk (Astra Group)

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PT United Tractors Tbk. atau biasa disingkat menjadi UT, adalah anak usaha Astra International Group yang memiliki lima bidang industri/usaha yakni Mesin Konstruksi, Kontraktor Pertambangan, Industri Konstruksi, dan Energi.

Perusahaan ini memulai sejarahnya pada tahun 1972 dengan nama PT Inter-Astra Motor Works dan berbisnis di bidang distribusi alat-alat berat. Setahun kemudian, perusahaan ini ditunjuk menjadi distributor tunggal produk Komatsu dan Tadano di Indonesia. Pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1973, perusahaan ini resmi mengubah namanya menjadi “PT United Tractors”. Pada tahun 1974, perusahaan ini ditunjuk menjadi distributor produk Bomag di Indonesia, serta mulai menjual forklift buatan Komatsu.

Pada tahun 1989, perusahaan ini mendirikan PT Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA) untuk berekspansi ke bisnis kontraktor penambangan. Pada tanggal 19 September 1989, perusahaan ini resmi melantai di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya. Pada tahun 1992, bersama Semen Gresik, perusahaan ini mendirikan PT United Tractors Semen Gresik (UTSG) untuk melakukan pertambangan batu kapur. Pada tahun 1995, perusahaan ini mendirikan UT Heavy Industry (S) Pte, Ltd. di Singapura untuk mempermudah distribusi impor alat berat ke Indonesia. United Tractors memiliki cukup banyak anak usaha yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan, konstruksi, energi, heavy equipment, dan mesin untuk kebutuhan industri.

Saat ini PT United Tractors Tbk (Astra Group) sedang membuka program management trainee dan beberapa posisi lainnya khusus untuk fresh graduate. Berikut adalah daftar posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Tbk (Astra Group)

1. MT Administration Department Head (MT ADH)

Job Description:

  1. Responsible for day-to-day financial administration operations
  2. Building relationships with government, banks, leasing companies
  3. Monitor accounting and management processes.


  • Fresh graduate or max. 2 years experience in Finance, Accounting, or other related field
  • Min. Bachelor’s degree majoring in Economics, Accounting, Management or Industrial Engineering
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia

2. MT Corporate Finance and Accounting (MT CFA)

Job Description:

  1. Collect company funds in terms of invesment and debt
  2. Manage short-term finances
  3. Analyze potential funds


  • Fresh graduate or max. 2 years experience in Finance, Accounting, or other related field
  • Min. Bachelor’s degree majoring in Economics, Accounting, or other relevant major
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Detail-oriented, strong analytical, and problem-solving skills

3. MT Parts Department Head (MT PDH)

Job Description:

  1. Manage and increase sales of spare parts and inventory
  2. Ensuring the availability of parts to support customer operational needs
  3. Evaluate the department’s performance and implement improvements


  • Fresh graduate of Engineering or a max. of 2 years experience as Engineer or other related field
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or other related major
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Strong teamwork with excellence communication and interpersonal skills
  • Willing to be located throughout Indonesia

4. MT Service Department Head (MT SDH)

Job Description:

  1. Evaluate department’s performance and implement necessary improvements
  2. Foster and maintain positive relationships with customers and internal stakeholders
  3. Plan and coordinate service activities including scheduling, staffing, and quality control


  • Fresh graduate or a max. of 2 years experience in Service Management or other related field
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or other related major
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Willing to be located throughout Indonesia

5. Research & Business Development Mechanical Engineer (Mandarin Speaker)

Job Description:

  1. Develop plans for business and development strategy
  2. Provide assistance with implementing suggested plans and strategies
  3. Oversee and examine new strategy progress and development


  • Fresh graduate or a max. of 5 years experience in the field of Mechanical Consultant, Mechanical Engineer or any related field
  • Minimum Master’s degree in Mechanical, Electrical or other related major
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Willing to be located throughout Indonesia

6. Internal Audit

Job Description:

  1. Prepare for annual internal audit by reviewing documents
  2. Determine the frequency of audits, the subject of inspection and others
  3. Make an audit report


  • Fresh graduate or a max. of 2 years experience in the field of Audit/Accounting/Corporate Finance/Risk or any related field
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or other related major
  • GPA min. 3.25

7. After Sales Consultant (ASC)

Job Description:

  1. Maintain strong customer relationships and ensure customer satisfaction
  2. Develop strategies to meet customer targets
  3. Lead the After Sales Service team in implementing both short-term and long-term strategies


  • Fresh graduate or a max. of 2 years experience in the field of Sales or any related field
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in any major
  • Ability to effectively persuade and convince customers
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Willing to be located throughout Indonesia

8. Business Consultant Mandarin Speaker (Sales Representative)

Job Description:

  1. Provide solutions through product offerings for business problems experienced by the company
  2. Assist in fulfilling the administrative needs of customers
  3. Stay updated on market dynamics to identify opportunities for selling company products


  • Fresh graduate or a max. of 2 years experience in the field of Sales Consultant, Sales Engineer, Business Development or any related field
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in any major
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Fluent in English, able to use it in daily convesation and correspondence
  • Proficiency in Mandarin for business proposals is a plus
  • Willing to be located throughout Indonesia

9. General Affair

Job Description:

  1. Able to carry out maintenance and data collection of company assets
  2. Create budget and payment reports
  3. Prepare administrations and licensing requirements


  • Fresh graduate or a max. of 2 years experience in the field of General Affair or Building Management or any related field
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • GPA min. 3.25
  • Have good communication and problem-solving skills
  • Able to deliver strategies based on data

Application Closed: November 22nd, 2023


  • PT United Tractors Tbk never ask for any payments from applicats at any point in the recruitment process.
  • Every recruitment invitation will be send from [email protected] . If you received a recruitment e-mail from any other e-email address, please disregard it immediately.
  • For more information , you can contact us at [email protected]