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SPS Corporate

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SPS Corporate adalah holding company yang menaungi beberapa perusahaan dengan berbagai lini industri mulai dari manufaktur kertas, packaging, jasa engineering & energi, konstruksi dan pengembangan properti, serta bisnis hospitality (perhotelan).

Nama-nama perusahaan yang tergabung di SPS Corporate yaitu PT Sopanusa Tissue & Packaging Saranasukses (manufaktur tissue & packaging), PT Sun Paper Source (manufaktur tissue & packaging), PT Superior Prima Sukses (manufaktur bata ringan), PT Star Paper Suppy (manufaktur kertas), PT Sinergy Power Resource (pembangkit listrik tenaga uap), dan PT Mekabox International (distributor kertas).

Banyak produk-produk yang dihasilkan oleh grup perusahaan SPS Corporate telah menembus pasar ekspor terutama di wilayah Asia Tenggara. Wilayah operasional SPS Corporate berpusat di Jawa Timur, khususnya Surabaya, Mojokerto dan sekitarnya.

SPS Corporate berkantor pusat di Jl Raya Kupang Baru No. 27, Kecamatan Dukuhpakis, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur.

Saat ini SPS Corporate sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan yang terbuka untuk fresh graduate pada bulan November 2023. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

Lowongan Kerja SPS Corporate


Management Trainee program is a training program that helps employees develop the skills they need to be effective leaders. It’s designed to prepare young leaders for future management roles by familiarizing them with the ins and outs of an organization.

1. MT Production / Maintenance

  • Min GPA 3,25 from Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering major


  • Min GPA 3,25 from Psychology or Law major

3. MT Accounting

  • Min GPA 3,50 from Accounting or Accounting Tax major

General Requirement:

  • Willing to work hard in flexible time
  • Able to work under high pressure
  • Willing to complete and accept new challenge
  • Able to speak other languages (Mandarin, etc.) is a plus
  • Fresh Graduate, max. 25 years old
  • Willing to be placed in all area

If you’re interested and meet the qualifications, apply online or send your resume to :

[email protected] [email protected]

*Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted